
Dr. Arlan Fuhr, co-inventor and developer of Activator Methods nearly 50 years ago, had an idea.

Using the basic physics formula for force (F=M•A), he realized that in order to achieve the amount of force (F) necessary to deliver a chiropractic adjustment, it was necessary to either increase the amount of mass (M), or increase the amount of speed (A).  

Increasing the amount of mass resulted in heavier or harder adjustments on the patient's body.  However, increasing the speed of the adjustment, could lower the amount of mass and therefore result in a more gentle adjustment while still delivering the same overall force... and the Activator Adjusting Instrument was born.

Activator instruments deliver high velocity, yet very gentle adjustments to the spine.  Most people appreciate and enjoy their activator adjustments because it helps to correct their subluxations without the popping, twisting, or cracking usually associated with adjustments.